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ART 211

Artwork and Artist statement

IPTS (2013) STANDARD 2 - Content Area and Pedagogical Knowledge - The competent teacher has in-depth understanding of content area knowledge that includes central concepts, methods of inquiry, structures of the disciplines, and content area literacy. The teacher creates meaningful learning experiences for each student based upon interactions among content area and pedagogical knowledge, and evidence-based practice.

Description: Attached is a final drawing example of my character for the unit. On watercolor paper, I used watercolor and colored pencils to illustrate my character. This is a full-color drawing that includes a complementary background.

Rationale:  The example I provided the students set high but achievable art goals for the student's final drawing. It shows my process for character design in all elements that show my skill but is also achievable for students. 

Evidence: Image Link

                    Artist Statement


Unit Plan

IPTS (2013) - STANDARD 1 - Teaching Diverse Students - The competent teacher understands the diverse characteristics and abilities of each student and how individuals develop and learn within the context of their social, economic, cultural, linguistic, and academic experiences. The teacher uses these experiences to create instructional opportunities that maximize student learning.

Description: I am teaching students character design, storyboards, critiquing, and what careers relate to character design. After an introduction to character design, students will use a mainstream character to analyze what is unique and important to said character. Using what they learned they will then create their own character answering in-depth prompt questions and creating a final charcter drawing. They then will be introduced to two diverse artists, Aphton Corbin and Carlos Grangel, and their careers involving character design and storyboards. Using their character they will create a small storyboard. Throughout this process, they critique each other's characters and storyboards.

Rationale: I want my students to recognize that characters are developed in specific and purposeful ways to convey a message or meaning. Students were able to create a character personal to them and had creative freedom in style. Not only is character design important but using them in stories is a viable career option that anyone can pursue.  

Evidence: Unit Plan PDF


Formative and Summative Assessments/Rubric

IPTS (2013) -STANDARD 7 - Assessment - The competent teacher understands and uses appropriate formative and summative assessment for determining student needs, monitoring student progress, measuring student growth, and evaluating student outcomes. The teacher makes decisions driven by data about curricular and instructional effectiveness and adjusts practices to meet the needs of each student

Description: This unit provides many opportunities for assessments for students. There are two packets for character design. With probing questions. The first packet relies on the student analyzing a current character and the second packet uses those skills to create their own. Throughout this process, they also had to critique others' artwork.

Rationale: The packets helped supplement and guide their design process. These were also an opportunity to access what information the student took from different assignments. For example, the artist statement helped access if the students knew what is important for character design and how it relates to their character. 

Evidence: Brainstorm Packet

                    Teacher Example Packet

                    Charcter Development PowerPoint

                    Storyboard Powerpoint

                    Critique Slip


Artist Handout and Powerpoint

IPTS (2013) STANDARD 6 -Reading, Writing, and Oral Communication - The competent teacher has foundational knowledge of reading, writing, and oral communication within the content area and recognizes and addresses student reading, writing, and oral communication needs to facilitate the acquisition of content knowledge.

Description: My handout describes Aphton Corbin, one of the few black artists working at Pixar. The handout is laid out in different sections starting with who she is, then it goes into her audience, and then specifically her art. Followed by this are quotes about her work from credible people as well as herself. Each framework is laid out along with guiding questions. Vocabulary important to the unit is defined and highlighted in context. Lastly are ideas for research and art followed by comparing Corbin to other artists.

Rationale: The subjective framework section includes questions that address the audience and feelings. One of the questions is: What emotions and feelings does her work make you think of? The structural framework section involves guiding questions that relate to color, composition, and symbols. Aside from asking questions, I ask students to explain their thinking in order to have them think deeper and not surface level. An example of a structural question is: Does the body language of the people portray anything? Why do they seem to portray that? The last section in the handout is the cultural framework. Here questions relate to culture and how it affects their work. Representation is important in Corbin's art so a question I included is: Who do you typically see portrayed in social media and shows?  

Evidence: Artist Handout PDF

                    Powerpoint PDF


Leadership Pal 1

Professionalism, Advocacy &

IPTS (2013) STANDARD 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.

Description: I visited a high school art gallery in the ISU Trans-space. The image included one of many outstanding art pieces. The clay sculpture depicts a fairy home by Marissa Altaner.

Rationale: These pieces of art are done at the HighSchool level. As a hopeful future art teacher, it is important to see the skill and appreciate the art that can be done at this level. I recognize that art done for galleries is meant to be seen and appreciated. 

Evidence: Drive Link

Description: I visited the ISU Faculty Biennial. Among many amazing faculty submissions, this LED piece named Big Onion by Gart Justis literally lit up the room. Colored acrylic disks moved across the wall as LED lights crossed behind it.

Rationale: Professors are generally thought of as only a professor. In reality, their art also shapes them and helps create their style of teaching. Much like how teachers strive for their students to understand that they are people too, professors are no different. It creates a depth for the teaching style and is inspiring to any who sees it.

Evidence: Drive Link


Professionalism, Advocacy & Leadership Pal 2

Description: This PAL involved participating as a volunteer for HOIC students. The class involved creating a fashion-inspired image using collage. The model was from magazines and various materials like fabric, paper, feathers, and more were used to construct an outfit. The image depicts a student creating a voluminous dress in white fabric.

Rationale: I helped students and encouraged them to be creative throughout the process. Although I assisted and was not the teacher, I had a great deal of interaction with students. Answering questions and making suggestions there were many successful and happy students.

Evidence: Drive Link

Description: The image depicts a chalk drawing I created in front of the Carle BroMenn Medical Center ReSale Boutique for National Volunteer Appreciation Week. To thank the volunteers I did a colorful “Thank You!” along with a cheerful Bear.

Rationale: This was a great opportunity to go out into the community and talk with community members. While creating the message many people walking by made comments. I enjoyed creating and exploring this community as well as talking to those within it in order to than the hospital volunteers.

Evidence:  Drive Link

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