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ART 309 Spring

ART 309 Spring

HOIC (HOIC lesson plan, artwork, slide show, and how-to-video)

Illinois Professional Teaching Standard 3 - Planning for Differentiated Instruction – The competent teacher plans and designs instruction based on content area knowledge, diverse student characteristics, student performance data, curriculum goals, and the community context. The teacher plans for ongoing student growth and achievement.


Description: Through pin-making, we will explore what belonging means to them. Looking at belonging through artists such as Lucy Liu, Meriam Salem, and Zadie Xa, we will define belonging and identify personal connections to important figures, characters, friends, family, or places. The activities we will do include mind maps, brainstorming worksheets, sketching, creating a pin, and an artist statement. The pin is to resemble a comfort that will travel with you through uncomfortable settings and encourage self-confidence and reassurance.
Rationale: This lesson was designed with student progress and diverse representation in mind. Throughout the lesson, the students work together as a community to determine definitions and answer critical questions. Worksheets and discussions were implemented to reach curriculum goals as well. The lesson is scaffolded to promote student growth by starting with generalizations, looking at examples, and then implementing the lesson into their project. The final project had a specified medium based on art but content was more open for student choice. Students were able to draw on many aspects in relation to belonging such as family, pets, OC's, and much more. This lesson was specially designed with students in mind and promoted growth in understanding and skill.
Evidence: Belonging



309 UNIT PLAN (unit plan, artist handout, rubric, artwork, artist statement)

Illinois Professional Teaching Standard 5 - Instructional Delivery – The competent teacher differentiates instruction by using a variety of strategies that support critical and creative thinking, problem-solving, and continuous growth and learning. This teacher understands that the classroom is a dynamic environment requiring ongoing modification of instruction to enhance learning for each student. 

Illinois Professional Teaching Standard 7 - Assessment – The competent teacher understands and uses appropriate formative and summative assessments for determining student needs, monitoring student progress, measuring student growth, and evaluating student outcomes. The teacher makes decisions driven by data about curricular and instructional effectiveness and adjusts practices to meet the needs of each student.


Description: This lesson involves looking at 3 diverse artists and analyzing how one incorporates folklore into their art. Students will research 3 folklore stories from different regions and choose one to influence a character. They will learn character design and create a paper doll for their final design. Other assignments they will do include making an artist statement, learning vocabulary, and how to use adjectives effectively. 
Rationale: Each day students are greeted with different activities. Students will create jam boards, participate in discussions, and have bellringers. During the day students will work together, complete worksheets, and more. The variety of instruction and organizers flow with the dynamic environment. There are many summative assignments for students to show growth and be used to gauge student learning. Exit slips complete the day and show learning through critical questions. Worksheets guide students and show progress from their sketch to their final project.  
Evidence: Folklore Unit Plan



Literacy Lesson

Illinois Professional Teaching Standard 6 - Reading, Writing, and Oral Communication – The competent teacher has foundational knowledge of reading, writing, and oral communication within the content area and recognizes and addresses student reading, writing, and oral communication needs to facilitate the acquisition of content knowledge.


Description: This near pod lesson looks at using descriptive adjectives for artwork. The lesson has the teacher go over definitions of nouns and adjectives. Then students look at a description and identify adjectives and nouns in the statement. Students then collaborate to create more effective descriptions. As a class, we will create a better description followed by a teacher example. Students will then use what they learned to create their own description of an artwork.
Rationale: This lesson builds upon foundational knowledge of nouns and adjectives in relation to art literacy. Throughout students have many opportunities to respond including writing and speaking. This lesson is scaffolded in the I do, we do, you do model to promote the acquisition of effective art description.
Evidence: Nearpod Lesson




7M: articulates a logical rationale for the role of the visual arts in the school curriculum, including philosophical and social foundations 
for visual arts education.



 My philosophical approach to art education is student-centered and applicable to real-world skills. I believe that art can be an outlet that benefits all students through creative, social, and intellectual means. I strive to foster a creative learning community where students feel safe to express themself and explore their creativity. Skills learned in art class can span beyond a canvas. Fostering friendships and effective communication are applicable to all students despite their creative prowess. Passion and desire for experimenting can foster resilient learners who are an integral part of the new generation.


As all students carry their own unique skills and knowledge, it is important to foster this difference rather than assimilate them into cookie-cutter students. Through the education foundation of Universal Design for Learning, I provide multiple means of engagement, representation, and action and expression. I believe that all students should have the ability to succeed, especially those historically marginalized such as our black and brown students. I use diverse artists to base units on and have thoughtful discussions including personal, cultural, and political events. Using relevant artists and content provides students the opportunity to gain literacy in their generation.


Teaching and helping students has been a passion created in me since a child. I always have a variety of ways to approach subjects and can quickly change course to better suit the situation. I was asked frequently how to draw through school from peers and always gave suggestions for how I did things. Combining this passion with studied techniques, a solid philosophy, and backed educational theories is a dream I never thought I could achieve. I now strive to use my knowledge and impart it to my students to create compassionate and resilient students.

Rationale: Philosophical foundations within the teaching philosophy include student-centered approaches and real-world applications. I believe all students should have the opportunity to succeed and that everyone can do art. The educational foundation the philosophy is primarily based on would be UDL. Providing representation and student choice fosters creative and determined students. 
Evidence: Document

Leadership Pal 1
Professionalism, Advocacy &
IPTS (2013) STANDARD 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.

Description: The image is my parents viewing art at the Art Education Gallery exhibition. Featured at this gallery were many artworks from the Art Ed senior students. 
Rationale: I supported my peers though attending the gallery and having others attend. I was professional while looking through the gallery by being quiet and pondering artwork. I asked my peers about their work and supported my fellow peers.
Evidence: Drive Link
Description: I visited a gallery of high school student art. There were a variety of mediums and topics covered. The piece in the photo is called Entomologist by Madelyn Cooksey.
Rationale: This was an amazing opportunity to see the skill and content high school students can accomplish. In this instance, I advocated for ISU and encouraged the community artists. I participated in a community event and supported student artists.
Evidence: Drive Link
Professionalism, Advocacy & Leadership Pal 2
Illinois Professional Teaching Standard 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy – The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession. 
7N: advances his or her knowledge of current developments in the field by participating in professional development activities (e.g., coursework, professional organizations, and workshops).

Description: I participated in a gallery of the art ed cohort. The piece in the gallery was a self-portrait done in an array of colors. Many art pieces were a part of this gallery that showcased the skills of the art education students. 
Rationale: This opportunity was a chance to interact with the community and fellow students. This is the first professional gallery that I had a piece in and gave me insight onto how these events function. I gained professional skills and added to my CV of skills.
Evidence: Drive Link
Description: I taught a pin lesson at the Interstate 8 conference. I had around 15 high school students. We discussed what belonging is them and how my artists used belonging in their art. Students completed a worksheet and multiple pins. They all thoroughly enjoyed the conference.
Rationale: I gained professional skills through teaching at this conference. I had to communicate effectively and represent ISU. I advocated for students as I adjusted the lesson to be better since the last time I taught it. I conducted myself professionally to students and fellow art teachers. 
Evidence:  Drive Link

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